Have fun in the arena
Between fun and tradition : the breeding of Camargue bulls is practiced for the Camargue races, also called "races to the cockade".

Course camarguaise
In the "Course Camarguaise", the "raseteurs" challange the bulls and try to take off decorations (rosettes, tassels, ribbons) hanging from their horns. The "raset" technique involves going towards the bull and getting as close to its head as possible in order to grab the decorations using a hook and then get away as quickly as possible by running run to the barrier followed by the animal and hiding behind the boards.
A bull race lasts 15 minutes and the bull participates in many races during its career (5-8 years).

and ability
In Camargue, more than anywhere else in France, the "biou" bull is the king.
He is acclaimed as the hero of the Camargue races, the spetacles are organized in all villages from Easter to october.
The dream of every "manadier" is to have bred a bull, wich by demonstrating its qualities will be forever remembered by racing lovers.